Monday 8 July 2024

Demonstration by Susan Clare

Writtle Art Group welcomed Susan Clare on Monday the 8th of July.  Susan's confident style of working was, for most members, a new experience and we thank her for the clear explanations and encouragement that will no doubt tempt some members to "have a go" the Susan Clare way!

On the way

Finished Painting

Monday 11 March 2024

Denise Allen Demonstration

Denise Allen Demonstration

Denise Allen demonstration on the 11th March proved to be an entertaining and very informative session.  Taking a waterfall as the theme Denise's loose painting style and use of a limited pallet was an excellent example of "less can be more* - assuming you have her talent!

Finished Painting


Monday 25 September 2023

Autumn Session



The Writtle Art Group staged its latest Autumn Art Show in the Village Hall on 4th/5th November. Again, the paintings were of a very high standard resulting in many positive comments. Even with mixed weather conditions, visitor numbers were up, with 290 attending.


Overall, 264 pictures were exhibited by 38 local artists. Total sales of paintings and gift cards amounted to £1,400 with another £600 raised from entrance fees and refreshments.


At each Autumn show, visitors are asked to vote for their favourite painting by artists from the main membership group. The winner receives the Lesley Bass trophy to hold for a year – a ritual which dates back nearly 50 years to 1976. It is all a bit of fun, but can become a little competitive, with voting often very tight! This year, the successful recipient was John Robinson with his watercolour ‘Sailing Ship under Tower Bridge’.

                       The Group’s next exhibition is scheduled for April 20th/21st 2024.

Hash Akib 

 Hash Akib was our first quest artist for the Autumn sessions.  Hash, in his entertaining and information style, was greatly appreciated and managed to complete two paintings using acrylic paints - a portrait and a landscape.  We thank Hash and look forward to his next visit.

Tuesday 11 July 2023

Susan Boddy - Demonstration at Writtle Art Group


Susan Boddy’s demonstration was attended by 30 members, where she focussed on the subject of painting figures in watercolour. By way of instruction, the group was given an explanation how to construct a credible group scene with the heads of figures positioned on the eyeline. Also how to use the correct perspective relative to the vanishing point. Susan then painted two examples of figures… First, a monotone of a waiter against a dark background to create a negative shape, and second, three people standing in a queue. After a break we were shown how to paint a group walking together in the grounds of Hampton Court Palace. The result was truly inspirational, and we thank Susan for a particularly interesting demo.

Demonstration Photograph

Finished Work

Thanks again to Susan

Thursday 20 April 2023

 Next Art Demonstrations

 Susan Boddy doing watercolours on July 10th, and Hash with acrylics on September 25th.                     

                                         Examples of Hash's Work

Examples of Susan's Work

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Demonstration at Writtle Art Group

       Ian Michael McManus demonstration at Writtle Art Group  February 6th 2023

Ian's demonstration of his highly competent watercolour painting techniques both entertained and inspired over 50 members and guests of the Writtle Art Group.   We thank Ian for his visit and hope to see him again.

The starting sketch

Time for a break

Half way there

Finished Painting

Examples of Ian's work

Acrylics Demonstration with Marie Antoniou October 2022

Marie Antoniou's visit to the Writtle Art Group was extremely entertaining and informative, leaving members "slightly" in awe of her distinctive style of painting.  We thank her for the time she spent with us and we look forward to a return visit.

Time for a break

Time for a chat

Finished work

 Winner of the Bass Trophy 2022

As a usual feature of the Autumn exhibition, the general public were asked to vote for their favourite framed picture entered by members of the Monday morning art group. This competition dates back to 1976, with the award of a palette-shaped trophy intended to commemorate former member, Leslie Bass.   This years winner was Sue Bourgois with "Sea Turtle"