Monday, 25 February 2013

Hashim Akib Demonstration at Writtle Art Group

Hashim's lively and informative explanations of his methods and beliefs, and the thinking behind them, ensured that over 50 members had a very usful and enjoyable morning.

To see more of the demonstration click on the slide show opposite.

Well over 150 viewers attended the Autumn Exhibition and the 300 pictures of all genres displayed, the extensive craft work, and a wonderful array of teas and refreshments ensured all had a very enjoyable visit.

Betty Levett won the prestigious " Leslie Bass Trophy".  Her beautiful pastel picture "Faith, Hope, and Charity" showed a flute playing busker in the company of his trusty dog - a true delight!
John Robinson was second with "St Michaels Mount" in watercolour, pen and ink, and Peter Robson was third with "The Emperor Penguins" in acrylics.

Click here  to take you to see some of the work.  Please accept my usual apology for reflected light of glass, poor light, etc affecting the quality of the photographs.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Writtle Art Group looks at the Classical French Shuttered Window

The latest tuition allowed members to use masking fluid and practice the skill of glazing.  On paper a simple exercise but difficult to get the tones right and not muddy the glazes.

To see more of the work click here.